Re: RPC protocol problem?

Pat Myrto (rwing!
Wed, 24 Aug 94 12:44:49 PDT

"In the previous message, Doug Davis said..."
> The real question is one of; how to beat vendors into fixing the
> problems reported by it.. (grumble grumble)...

Or failing that, has anybody devised a way to:

A: use LD_PRELOAD to replace the random() (or srandom()) or whatever function
fsirand calls with one that ignores the passed init seed, and produces its
own, to make it work right...?
B: Make available sources for a replacement fsirand that will work on SunOS
and other affected OS's that one can build and run.
C: I resorted to letting the PIDs get way up there, say over 10,000 then
kicked the system down to single-user, did a umount -a, and ran it on all
the filesystems (except /, and /usr, of course).  Making sure it wasn't
shut down and rebooted, the PIDs just continue from what they were when
it was up in multi-user.

So, all I get in nfsbug output is the UID bug (which goes away if I don't
export as root, but sometimes that is needed).  I wonder if anybody
has put together the affected module from non-restricted sources,
so people can fix it?  I know that Suns NFS jumbo patch doesn't
affect the UID bug, as it is still there.  I have no idea if it
fixes the fsirand prolbem or not...

Any of these ideas useful or a viable workaround?
pat@rwing  [If all fails, try:  rwing!]  Pat Myrto - Seattle WA
"No one has the right to destroy another person's belief by demanding
empirical evidence."  --   Ann Landers, nationally syndicated advice columnist
and Director at Handgun Control Inc.